Governing Body
Susan Hall
Category: Co-opted
Appointment: Appointed by the Local Governing Body
Term of Office: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025
Areas of Responsibility:
- Chair
- Safeguarding
- Attendance
- Early Years
Declaration of Interests:
Westerhope Primary School Chair of Governors
Suzanne Richardson
Category: Head Teacher
Appointment: Appointed by the Governing Body
Term of Office: 01.01.2024 - Current
Areas of Responsibility:
- Ex Officiado
Declaration of Interests:
Non declared
Clare Dillon
Category: Staff
Appointment: Appointed by Local Governing Body
Term of Office: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2028
Areas of Responsibility:
- Health and Safety
Declaration of Interests:
Non declared
Denise Wigham
Category: Staff
Appointment: Appointed by the Local Governing Body
Term of Office: 01/01/2024 - 20.11.2027
Areas of Responsibility:
- Finance Advisor
Declaration of Interests:
Samantha Watson
Category: Co-opted
Appointment: Appointed by the Local Governing Body
Term of Office: 13.11.2024 - 12.11.2025
Areas of Responsibility
- Year 1
Declaration of Interests
None declared
Ashley Williamson
Category: MAT
Appointment: Appointed by the ONE Trust
Term of Office: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2028
Areas of Responsibility:
- Year 5 and Year 6
Declaration of Interests
Employed by Royal Grammar School
Linzi McMeekin
Category: Parent
Appointment: Appointed by Local Governing Body
Term of Office: 28.02.2024 - 27.02.2028
Committee Membership & Responsibilities
- Early Years
- Year 2
Declaration of Interests
Employed by Newcastle City Council
Laura Kell
Category: Parent
Appointment: Appointed by Local Governing Body
Term of Office: 28.02.2024 - 27.02.2028
Committee Membership & Responsibilities
- Year 3 and Year 4
- Attendance
Declaration of Interests
Employed by Northern Education Trust (Walbottle Academy)