Statement of Behaviour Principles
At Milecastle Primary School we believe that everyone in our school and community are important. We have a legal responsibility to ensure that every child is safe and protected from harm.
A statement of behaviour principles, written by Governors, is required by all maintained schools.
These principles guide our Behaviour Policy and Procedures at Milecastle Primary School:
- At Milecastle Primary School we strive to ensure that all pupils have access to a high-quality education in a safe and supportive environment. The ethos of the school is central to creating an environment which allows all pupils to develop and maintain high standards of behaviour and academic achievement.
- We aim to ensure that all pupils, staff and visitors understand that they have the right to feel safe, valued, respected and learn free from the disruption of others. Our procedures consider the requirements of the Education Act 2002 in relation to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
- The quality of relationships is of the utmost importance to us throughout the school.
- Pupils are supported to take responsibility for and reflect on their actions and choices.
- Parents and families are involved in behaviour incidents as partners in their child's education.
- There is a consistent approach to rewards and sanctions by all staff in line with the Behaviour Policy.
- The decision to use physical intervention and / or reasonable force will be based on individual circumstances and the professional judgement of staff. The Physical Intervention Policy will be applied if the situation arises.
- The Behaviour Policy, which is reviewed annually is shared with staff, parents and pupils and is available on the school website.
- The Behaviour Policy explains that exclusions from school will be used as a last resort and outlines the processes involved for both fixed term and permanent exclusions.
- The Behaviour Policy operates in conjunction with the following school policies - Equal Opportunities, Anti-Bullying, Safeguarding and Child Protection, Drug Education, Attendance, Racial Equality, SEN, Complaints, Home School Agreement, Public Sector Equality Duty, PSHE and RSE.
- The Governing Body of Milecastle Primary School firmly believe that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated by anyone in school in any circumstance.
Please see our full Behaviour Policy which can be found in the Policies section of the website.